The Numbers Behind the Workout: Your Exact Calorie Burn in a Fit Factory Fitness

The concept of calorie counting sounds simple enough: to meet your fitness goals, you need to burn much more or roughly the same number of calories you eat. Whether your goal is to burn fat, gain muscle, or maintain a certain body type, there are benefits to knowing how many calories your body uses when you perform daily activities and workouts.

At Fit Factory Fitness, we offer a variety of online and in-studio classes to help you achieve your fitness goals in a fun and engaging environment. Whether you’re a beginner taking the first step to getting into shape or an intermediate fitness buff looking to build muscle or burn fat, you’ll find a class that’s right for you. Keep reading to learn how many calories you can burn in a Fit Factory Fitness class.

Your Exact Calorie Burn in Every Fit Factory Fitness Class

Here’s an estimate of how many calories men and women lose in our various fitness. Before anything else, remember that every body is different, so how many calories you burn can fall anywhere within the given range.

Boot Camp

Class Duration: 60 minutes
Calories Burnt for Men: 800 to 1200
Calories Burnt for Women: 500 to 800

What to Expect

Boot Camp is a Fit Factory Fitness signature class that burns fat, builds endurance, and pushes your body to its limit. This head-to-toe functional class involves high endurance training, high cardio, and a fair amount of strength training. Expect to burn up to 1,200 calories for men and up to 800 for women, not including the calories you could shed from the afterburn.

One of our most intense classes, our Boot Camp classes offer a dynamic full-body workout that is guaranteed to make you sweat. Expect HIIT drills, plyometrics, body-weight exercises, and more. Overall, it’s a fun challenge for all fitness levels, and a rewarding experience to accomplish with other members of Fit Factory Fitness. Don’t forget to bring your running shoes!



Class Duration: 50 minutes
Calories Burnt for Men: 800 to 1200
Calories Burnt for Women: 500 to 800

What to Expect

Our boxing classes are another one of our intense classes meant to burn fat and build endurance. Each 50-minute class involves high endurance and cardio training and low strength training. Take this class only if you’re prepared to give 110 percent and want to learn how to throw a good punch.

Boxing classes turn into a non-stop fist-pumping party room in every session we host. You’ll be starting off with our heavy-duty teardrop-style Aqua Training Bags, where you’ll learn how to throw a proper jab, cross, and hook before moving onto individual and partner drills


Athletic Conditioning

Class Duration: 50 minutes
Calories Burnt for Men: 800 to 1200
Calories Burnt for Women: 500 to 800

What to Expect

Our Athletic Conditioning classes are meant for intense fitness fanatics who want to train like professional athletes. In just 50 minutes, your endurance and cardio are pushed to their limits, followed by mid-high strength training to build your muscles and tone your body.

We require everyone in Athletic Classes to give it their all. Each class is purely HIIT – which means keeping up with every one of our intense exercises. This is meant to impact your strength, explosiveness, agility, balance, and reaction time, so it’s definitely not for the faint of heart.

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Class Duration: 60 minutes
Calories Burnt for Men: 700 to 1000
Calories Burnt for Women: 450 to 700

What to Expect

Ready to enhance your muscle definition and build up your strength? Our Strength class is an intermediate program that focuses less on cardio and endurance and more on strength training. Each 60-minute session consists of a medley of equipment and exercises designed to build up muscles throughout your body.

Our Strength classes are a good intermediate course for those looking for all-around strength and muscle-building programs. You’ll be using a variety of equipment to move, shake, and enhance your gains. Expect core, lower- and upper-body resistance exercises that focus on your major muscle groups. Our instructors will also teach you proper form and technique to ensure you’re building muscles effectively and maximizing your potential results.

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Lower Combat

Class Duration: 60 minutes
Calories Burnt for Men: 700 to 1000
Calories Burnt for Women: 450 to 700

What to Expect

If your ideal body is just a firm booty and a pair of toned legs away from becoming a reality, then the Lower Combat classes are perfect for you. It has the same level of focus as the regular Strength classes – less on cardio and endurance and more on strength training – but focused exclusively on your lower-body muscle groups.

Each 60-minute session is an intense lower-body workout focusing on your butt and legs. Sculpting your lower body can be a challenge, so get ready to feel the burn as you tone and build to your limit. Indoor running shoes are required for this class.

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Abs Assault

Class Duration: 45 minutes
Calories Burnt for Men: 525 to 750
Calories Burnt for Women: 350 to 575

What to Expect

The Ab Assault classes are 45-minute workout sessions for the person who wants to develop a well-defined set of abs. Although it’s slightly easier than our other strength and muscle-building classes and involves low levels of endurance, cardio, and strength, it’s still an intense class designed to enhance your core muscles through various techniques.

In our Ab Assault classes, you’ll be subjected to exercises that focus on your abdominals, obliques, and back muscles. By the end of every class, you’ll learn how to reduce your chances of plateauing and maximizing your results. Indoor running shoes are mandatory for this class.

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Technical Boxing

Class Duration: 60 minutes
Calories Burnt for Men: 700 to 1000
Calories Burnt for Women: 450 to 700

What to Expect

Our Technical Boxing classes are for those who want to learn the basics of boxing techniques and skills in low-impact training sessions before moving on to our more intense Boxing class. Everyone, regardless of fitness level, is welcome to attend and learn more about boxing techniques.

Expect to workout with punching bags, interval training, and traditional boxing drills at a less intense pace. We recommend attending multiple sessions as we’ll be building up on those skills as we go. Be sure to bring your hand wraps and indoor running shoes. You can rent boxing gloves from us or bring your own pair.

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New Recruit

Class Duration: 60 minutes
Calories Burnt for Men: 525 to 750
Calories Burnt for Women: 350 to 575

What to Expect

Our New Recruit class is for beginners who want to get a taste of less intense HIIT workouts before moving onto our fast-paced classes like Boot Camp or Athletic Conditioning. Fitness beginners and new members learn proper form and technique while getting a taste of the demands and expectations of our more challenging classes.

Although not recommended for those in higher fitness levels, beginners can still expect a challenging session that will leave them feeling the burn. We recommend new recruits join at least one New Recruit class within their first 30 days after joining Fit Factory Fitness.

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Intro Boxing

Class Duration: 60 minutes
Calories Burnt for Men: -
Calories Burnt for Women: -

What to Expect

For boxing beginners who want to learn proper boxing techniques before making a workout out of it, start with our Intro to Boxing Classes. Your instructor will teach you everything you need to know about the basics of boxing, including:

- Proper techniques for jab, cross, hooks, and uppercuts with focus mitts
- Correct footwork and body movement
- How to hit a punching bag and focus mitts correctly with precision

Combined, these skills will help you as you progress into technical boxing and later on boxing for fat burning and endurance. Knowing the basics can help you perform your best, especially for the high-intensity workouts that await you.

Boxing gloves and hand wraps are mandatory for this class. First-time glove rental is free for beginners. Boxing gloves can be rented or purchased from us, or you can opt to bring your own. Hand wraps can be purchased in the studio, or you can bring your own.

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Calories, Fitness, and You

While there are many ways to get into shape, many have found calorie counting to be a good way to reach their fitness goals. But keep in mind that there’s no guarantee that you’ll be burning the max number of calories in any class you choose, as there are plenty of factors like age, metabolism, and biological sex that can affect how many calories your body burns.

Another important thing to remember is that working out is only half the battle of attaining your fitness goals. A healthy diet can help you achieve the body you want. It’s never a good idea to starve yourself, so make sure you’re eating the right number of calories per day: Around 2,000 calories for women and 2,500 for men.

Finally, consider your lifestyle as another factor that can affect your health and fitness. Outside of the gym, leading an active lifestyle at home can help you continue to burn calories. Something to take note of if your fitness goals include fat burning and weight loss.

Taking Your Fitness to the Next Level

Fit Factory Fitness welcomes everyone in Toronto on every level of their fitness journey. Whether you’re weeks, months, or years into your fitness goals, you’ll find our gym to be your one-stop-shop for programs that are both fun and effective.

Sign up for our classes and reach your health and fitness goals at Fit Factory Fitness today.

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