The 5 Essential Things To Prepare Before Your HIIT Class
HIIT classes may be challenging, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t make things a lot easier on yourself if you come prepared! Here are five things we suggest first-timers do before stepping into the classroom:

Look Up Your Classes
HIIT comes in different types, just like your regular gym exercises. There are two types of HIIT training that we usually hold in FFF:
- Weighted / Equipment Based HIIT Classes: Bootcamp, Athletic Conditioning
- Cardio HIIT Classes: Boxing, Body Weight Bootcamps
Training can be further subdivided down to the exact body part that you want to train with, which means there are a LOT of classes that you can pick from.
But why does the class matter? Simple: it’s an efficient use of HIIT with the least possible time and effort. The entire concept of HIIT is that you have your body push itself with exercises in the shortest amount of time – usually towards a result like strengthening your upper body or defining your glutes. So if you’re looking to work in a certain area, then looking up your classes before you start can help you save a lot of time down the road.
Another reason why you’d want to look up your classes is if you think you might need some one-on-one consultation and coaching. HIIT classes can vary in size from less than a dozen to over a few dozen people. So if you aren’t confident with how you’d think you’d perform in your first HIIT class, sign up for a smaller group so you can get some time with the coach.
Finally, the best reason to look up your class is that you can decide which one is most compatible for your training goals. People do HIIT for all sorts of reasons, and HIIT itself can be done with different exercises and routines. For example, Boxing HIIT classes at FFF are extremely popular, alongside other favorites like Mobility training. With two different locations available to our members, checking in which classes are available in the location you're planning to visit can help you plan your workouts. If you want to be location-independent, you can download the Fit Factory Fitness app and access our video-on-demand classes and get top-level training from our trainers, anytime, anywhere.
Make Sure The Clothes Match The Activity
If there’s one thing that even the unfamiliar can say about HIIT classes, it’s that you’ll sweat a lot. That’s actually a little inaccurate – you’re going to sweat A LOT more than you think you actually will. Remember, intensity is the name of the game: so you need to make sure that when you show up to class, you do so dressed right.
While it’s perfectly fine to do HIIT in shorts and a shirt, it’ll definitely make it easier if you invest a little more in the correct clothing. Trust us: we've had our fair share of people who’ve vastly underestimated our classes here at FFF, so you should always be prepared!
So what exactly can you do for clothes? Here’s a list of the bare essentials that you should have:
- A sports bra (for the ladies)
- Cotton-poly tops and shirts
- Leggings or shorts
- Athletic shoes
- A hand towel (for all the sweat)
- A change of clothes after you’re done
Why cotton-polyester specifically? They’re great at absorbing moisture and are fairly easy to wash and move around in. Cotton gives your clothes extra breathability, while the polyester makes sure that it doesn’t rip when you move around during class.
Shoes are another important concern: without them, your form’s going to be off and you might risk injuring yourself during HIIT classes. We suggest getting shoes like cross-trainers, as they provide the right amount of support while still being easy on your feet.
Finally, while a change of clothes may not be directly involved with your HIIT training (and seem obvious) we can’t stress how important it is to have them every time you have your class. We’ll be honest with you: the way HIIT goes, your workout clothes will not be fit for you to go home in. Always make sure you have a change of clothes before showing up to class – your body will thank you for it.
Pack On Protein
Food is another key component of HIIT: in this case, protein. HIIT (or any intense activity, really) can really wear down your muscles, even if the class doesn’t take too long. Getting the right food and lots of protein and carbs can be a great help to your sore muscles, making sure that your body recovers before your next class.
Keep in mind that HIIT training makes your body go into calorie-burning mode even AFTER your class has finished, so make sure that you’re lined up for a hearty meal after you’re done! While the point is to make sure that your body starts using fat for energy rather than carbs, you still need enough of it to recover.
This also goes for the food that you eat BEFORE your training – as much as possible, avoid processed foods or anything that can cause your body to crash like sugar. We’re not suggesting that you formulate your eating habits just before your HIIT class, but a little attention to what you’re putting into your stomach does go a long way.
Talk To Your Instructor
Arrive early! Our coaches at FFF are always early for their classes, so it’s the best time to drop by and introduce yourself to them. Not only is this your best possible chance to get some one-on-one advice before the class starts, but it’s also an excellent way for you to get more information about the exact HIIT class you’ll be taking.
Instructors also appreciate a student who shows up early, since it’s their opportunity to know them better! At FFF, we always try to maintain a friendly relationship with everyone who takes our classes. This isn’t just us being nice – it’s also our way to know how your HIIT classes are making a difference in your life, and whether we need to adjust based on your needs.
Some key things to tell your instructor if you’re at your first HIIT class include:
- Your relative experience with HIIT or workout regimens in general
- Any injuries or pre-existing conditions
- Your expected goals for your first class (and other classes)
Again, talking to your instructor should always be something that you do before your HIIT class since it helps them give a much clearer idea of the kind of limits you have and how far they can push you. HIIT classes are meant to be challenging, not punishing – and if you don’t tell your instructor how much you can give, then you’re not going to have a good time.
Take A Rest
Arrive early! Our coaches at FFF are always early for their classes, so it’s the best time to drop by and introduce yourself to them. Not only is this your best possible chance to get some one-on-one advice before the class starts, but it’s also an excellent way for you to get more information about the exact HIIT class you’ll be taking.
Instructors also appreciate a student who shows up early, since it’s their opportunity to know them better! At FFF, we always try to maintain a friendly relationship with everyone who takes our classes. This isn’t just us being nice – it’s also our way to know how your HIIT classes are making a difference in your life, and whether we need to adjust based on your needs.
Some key things to tell your instructor if you’re at your first HIIT class include:
- Your relative experience with HIIT or workout regimens in general
- Any injuries or pre-existing conditions
- Your expected goals for your first class (and other classes)
Again, talking to your instructor should always be something that you do before your HIIT class since it helps them give a much clearer idea of the kind of limits you have and how far they can push you. HIIT classes are meant to be challenging, not punishing – and if you don’t tell your instructor how much you can give, then you’re not going to have a good time.